MD: Our early experience with a rich intermediate representation ( IR) convinced us of the value of true semantic integration within the tools. MD:有关丰富的中间表示(intermediaterepresentation,IR)的早期经验使我们相信工具中真正的语义集成的价值。
Through a compilation process, this high-level code is compiled into an intermediate representation called object code. 通过一个编译过程,该高级代码被编译成一个名为对象代码的中间表示。
The front end of a compiler is language specific and includes a parser for the given language that results in parsed trees and the intermediate representation ( the Register Transfer Language, or RTL). 编译器的前端是特定于语言的,它包括一个用于给定语言的解析器,这个解析器产生经过解析的树和中间表示(RegisterTransferLanguage,RTL)。
GB: An early Rational technical notion about the software development environment was "keep the intermediate representation persistent." GB:在软件开发环境的早期,Rational的技术主张是“保持中间表示法的持久性。”
For example, the output of all our data transformation jobs are Clojure data structure literals, and the intermediate representation in all our Hadoop jobs are as well. 例如,我们所有数据转换工作的输出都是Clojure数据结构形式,这种中间表示遍布于我们所有的Hadoop工作中。
We've continued building a new compiler and intermediate representation that will be easier to optimize before we generate JVM bytecode. 我们在构建一个新的编译器和中间表述,这样在我们生成JVM字节码前更容易做一些优化。
Strictly speaking, the AST ( abstract syntax tree) is also an IR ( intermediate representation)– since it is not quite the source, and not quite the target language. 严格说来,AST(抽象语法树)也是一种IR&因为它既不是源代码,也不是目标语言。
Information Flow Analysis in Source Code Based on SSA Intermediate Representation 基于SSA中间表示的源代码信息流分析
The source code can be analyzed and is represented into an IR ( Intermediate Representation) form, which can be later analyzed and manipulated with various tools. 源代码可以经过分析,并被表示为IR(中间表示,IntermediateRepresentation)形式,这种形式可以在后期被各种工具分析和处理。
Before talking about the new intermediate representation, how does the compiler currently do its work without the IR? InfoQ采访了Subbu,希望了解新的IR是什么样的,它将为JRuby带来什么好处。在讨论新的中间表示前,编译器目前是如何在没有IR的情况下工作的?
We use Clojure data structure literals as both intermediate representation for communication, and for storage. 我们将Clojure数据结构用作通信和存储的中间表示。
Thirdly, based on the idea of intermediate information representation, a coupling metrics tool used in object-oriented software is designed and implemented, and it can automatically collected metrics data. Then its characteristics are analyzed. 然后,本文设计并实现了一个基于中间信息库的软件耦合性度量工具,实现了度量数据的自动采集,最后分析了该工具的特点及其改进之处。
Substituted for the JACKSON structure text as. an intermediate representation between the JACKSON program specification and the final code, the process blueprint improves the traditional JACKSON structured programming method. 使用过程蓝图取代结构文本作为JAOKSON程序规格说明和最终目标源代码的中间表示,改进了传统的JACKSON结构化程序设计方法。
The traditional methods of NLI designing include pattern-matching, syntax analysis, semantic grammar, and intermediate representation languages. 自然语言接口设计的传统方法包括模板匹配、句法分析、语义语法和中间表述语言等。
An Abstract Intermediate Representation in Compilation Systems 编译系统中间代码的一种抽象表示
Integral image as an intermediate image representation can be used to calculate the sum of gray level in rectangle quickly. A novel partial matching error function was presented based on sub block mean. 根据积分图像对匹配误差函数进行变形,提出了一种新的局部匹配误差函数&基于子块均值的匹配误差函数。
Supporting technology for multi-view intermediate representation of compilers 编译器中多视图中间表示的支撑技术
Present the multi-view intermediate representation: we introduce the concept of view in the design of intermediate representation ( IR). With multiple discretely defined views of a single object, we can satisfy the different requirements to IR of algorithms of different passes. ◆提出在编译器中采用多视图的中间表示:在中间表示的设计中引入视图的概念,利用同一对象的多个分立定义的视图,满足各遍算法对于中间表示的不同需求;
Machine translation based-on intermediate representation can be separated into two stages: analysis and generation, the generation aims to generate the target language sentence according to the source language information stored in the intermediate representation. 基于中间表示的机器翻译一般分为源语分析和译文生成两个阶段,其中译文生成就是根据中间表示中的源语信息,在目标语言模型指导和生成规则驱动下生成目标语句子。
Intermediate representation techniques based on abstract syntax descriptions 基于抽象语法描述的中间表示技术
Basing on the muti-threads parallel model on shered memory, we make some research and test of program parallelization on source code level and intermediate representation level. 根据基于共享内存方式的多线程并行模型,对于在源代码级和中间代码级进行程序并行化做了一些研究和实验。
Abstracting the semantics of the machine instructions to generate an intermediate code representation is key for a decompiler. 对机器指令进行语义抽象以产生中间代码表示是反编译程序的一个关键环节。
Retargetable compiler mainly includes intermediate representation, machine description and interface technique between compiler and machine description. 可重定目标编译器主要包括三个方面的内容:中间表示、机器描述和编译主体与机器描述之间的接口技术。
Abstract Syntax Tree, referred as intermediate representation of program, has many applications in Program Analysis. 抽象语法树(AbstractSyntaxTree,AST)作为程序的一种中间表示形式,在程序分析等诸多领域有广泛的应用。
The important of the thesis discuss to design the data structure on the SUIF intermediate representation, and the method to generate the intermediate representation from SPC source, which is the base for program analysis and program transformation. 本文重点讨论SPC在SUIF框架上的中间表示等数据结构的设计,以及为SPC源程序生成中间表示的方法,为开展程序分析和程序变换奠定基础。
Moreover, we present an intermediate representation for parsing tree of CFL sentence that can be easily implemented and needs less space occupancy. 此外,为上下文无关语言句子的分析树设计了一种简单表示形式,这种表示形式可以提高空间效率,并且易于实现。
Later, we will provide a small example to demonstrate how we translate a small problem into the compiler intermediate representation. 最终,我们会用一个小例子来演示从一个普通C程序转化为编译器中间语言。
These instructions are generated by compiler and passed to the SPM-support simulator as intermediate representation ( IR). 这些指令由Trimaran的编译器模块生成,并以一种中间表示形式传给支持SPM模拟的Trimaran模拟器模块。
The front end could transfer the algorithm C code into an intermediate representation. And middle-end is for mapping it into hardware architecture, which is the topic of this paper. 前端负责生成算法代码的中间表示(DFG);中端负责将中间表示映射到具体的硬件构架上,这也是本论文会重点描述的内容。
First of all, this paper discusses the relative merits of some current security checking tools and the framework of the related one. Based on this, the whole design of Java front end which is divided into preprocessor and generation of intermediate representation is given. 首先讨论了主流的安全检查工具的优缺点以及本文采用的软件安全检查工具的框架,在此基础上给出了Java前端的整体设计,该设计包括预处理和中间表示生成两部分。